Welcome to The Best Dam Podcast!
Aug. 5, 2022

Pastor Adam Stetson, Christ Lutheran Church

Pastor Adam Stetson, Christ Lutheran Church

Today on The Best Dam Podcast we have the pleasure of visiting with Pastor Adam Stetson.  

Paster Stetson is with the Christ Lutheran Church.  He views his job as shepherding the flock at 5th and Avenue B in beautiful Boulder City, Nevada.  He is an amazing family man that loves his profession, his congregation, his community, and his faith. 

We will get to hear more about some of his favorite things like reading, volunteering, and visiting with those in need.  Pastor Adam shares an emotional “AHA” moment (he had me in tears) and what he has learned from some very private low points in his and his family’s lives.

We also find out more of the details of the creation and development of the “at-home learning” program that his talented wife Jessica Stetson designed and implemented during the pandemic.  She found solutions when others struggled to even know how to get started.  We will also learn of their academic and daycare programs still happening today, and how we can help them meet some of their goals to be able to expand and assist even more children in our community.

Pastor Stetson completed over 10 years of education in the Seminary and still loves to learn through reading and interacting with other clergy in our community.  He shares more on the book he is reading right now, Martin Luther and Islam.  A history that many of us should be more aware of today.

We can learn more about Pastor Adam Stetson, his sweet wife, Jessica, and Boulder City’s Christ Lutheran Church at https://www.christluthernbc.org and https://www.facebook.com/ChristLutheranBC

The Best Dam Podcast is a Podcast Production of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.


The Best Dam Podcast is a Boulder City Chamber of Commerce podcast production.

This episode is sponsored by the i & i Podcast & Music Studio. Be Heard.

Music for the Best Dam Podcast was created by ZakharValaha from Pixabay.