This episode of The Best Dam Podcast features, Debra Solt and Allison Loftus from Vegas PBS .
Debra Solt is the Director of Workforce Training and Economic Development at Vegas PBS. Debra drives innovation and explores new avenues for workforce training and economic development. Her dedication to creating a more inclusive and resilient job market has solidified her status as a trailblazer in the field of training and development.
Allison Loftus is the Coordinator for Workforce Training and Economic Development at Vegas PBS. Allison is dedicated to connecting businesses with the right tools and employees.
Click here to learn more about Vegas PBS’ Workforce Education programming to provide Southern Nevadans with the means to pursue high-earning, high-demand careers.
The Best Dam Podcast is a Boulder City Chamber of Commerce podcast production.
This episode is sponsored by the i & i Podcast & Music Studio. Be Heard.
Music for the Best Dam Podcast was created by ZakharValaha from Pixabay.
Jill Lagan, Boulder City Chamber, The Best Dam Podcast, Boulder City, Vegas PBS, Workforce Development, Customized Education, Online Training
#BoulderCityChamber #TheBestDamPodcast #VegasPBS #WorkforceDevelopment #CustomizedEducation #OnlineTraining #BusinessGrowth